
2030: HIV's time's up

We are on a mission to end new case of HIV in Wales by 2030 – we cannot do it without your help. 

There are three ways you can support our HIV’s time’s up campaign. Test. Act. Donate. 

One, test. 

It is always best to know your status. It’s free and easy to test all year round in Wales. 

If you test positive, you’ll be linked to the most amazing HIV care and see the countries leading doctors and nurses. It’s always best to know if you’re living with HIV. The medication today is so effective, not only does it stop the virus attacking your immune system it means you can’t pass it on.

If you test negative, there are lots of strategies to stay negative…


Condoms are the most effective way to safeguard your sexual health as they provide a barrier that stops sperm, viruses—HIV, hepatitis and others—and bacteria getting from one person to another. Condoms are widely available in supermarkets, shops and pharmacies. They are free in Wales for 13-24 year olds through the C-Card system run by Public Health Wales.

PrEP or Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV

PrEP is a drug taken by HIV-negative people that prevents you from getting HIV. PrEP is free in Wales and available from sexual health clinics. See here

PEP or Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV

PEP is a treatment that can stop an HIV infection after the virus has entered a person’s body. It must be taken as soon as possible after exposure but within 72 hours. PEP in Wales is only available via sexual health clinics and accident and emergency departments (A&Es). It is free on the NHS.

Two, act. 

Support the HIV Action Plan for Wales. 

In March 2023, the Welsh Government released the final version of the HIV Action Plan for Wales 2023-26 which aims at creating an environment that can deliver zero transmissions of HIV by 2030. 
Contact your MP and/or MS for an update on progress to keep the pressure on.

Three, donate

Every penny and pound raised will help Wales become one of the first countries in the world to end new cases of HIV and support people living with HIV in Wales. 
Together we can do this by 2030 and show the world what is possible. Donate now. 

Take action

PrEP Protects Wales

In 2023, Terrence Higgins Trust, Public Health Wales and NHS Wales ran a nationwide partnership campaign on PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis). The campaign explained how the drug can be used to prevent HIV and where to access it in Wales.

Speak to someone

We’re open:

10am to 6pm, Monday to Friday
Our phone number is 0808 802 1221.

This is free to call from all UK landlines and most major mobile networks. It won’t appear on your telephone bill.

Live chat

We’re trialling a new live chat service to offer you support without the need to make a phone call.

The chat is open Monday to Friday at the following times:

  • 11am to 1pm
  • 3pm to 5pm

Live chat is anonymous and confidential. We’re offering it alongside our phone helpline, initially at the times given above.

At the end of your chat session, you’ll be directed to an online survey about your experience. Please take a few minutes to fill this in as it helps us to understand how live chat is working. We’ll use this feedback to develop the service further.