HIV Action Plan

In March 2023, the Welsh Government released the final version of the HIV Action Plan for Wales 2023-26 which aims at creating an environment that can deliver zero transmissions of HIV by 2030.



Tackling HIV-related stigma

Living well with HIV

Clinical Care

THT Cymru, along with our partners at Fast Track Cymru have been instrumental in the development and delivery of the action plan. Throughout the development we worked closely with Welsh Government officials, the Minister for Health and Social Care and Public Health Wales to create a list of 30 actions that we believe are key to ending transmission and stigma around HIV in Wales.

We currently sit on the Welsh Government Overview board which supervises the delivery of the HIV Action Plan, as well as on several ‘task and finish’ groups that are working to develop services and campaigns that will enable the plan to succeed as we move closer and closer to the 2030 target.

Speak to someone

We’re open:

10am to 6pm, Monday to Friday
Our phone number is 0808 802 1221.

This is free to call from all UK landlines and most major mobile networks. It won’t appear on your telephone bill.

Live chat

We’re trialling a new live chat service to offer you support without the need to make a phone call.

The chat is open Monday to Friday at the following times:

  • 11am to 1pm
  • 3pm to 5pm

Live chat is anonymous and confidential. We’re offering it alongside our phone helpline, initially at the times given above.

At the end of your chat session, you’ll be directed to an online survey about your experience. Please take a few minutes to fill this in as it helps us to understand how live chat is working. We’ll use this feedback to develop the service further.