I Kissed A Boy stars to run Cardiff Half Marathon to support us

Bobski Budzynski and Jake Devline-Reed are raising money for Terrence Higgins Trust as they take on the Cardiff Half Marathon 2023.

We spoke with I Kissed A Boy stars Bobski Budzynski and Jake Devline-Reed who, after marching with us at Pride in London, decided to take on the Cardiff Half Marathon 2023. We asked them both about what inspired them to take on the challenge.

Doing a challenge such as the Cardiff Half Marathon is one of the best ways you can support us. If Bobski and Jake inspire you, take a look at what we’ve got coming up in our challenge events calendar.

You’ve been an incredible advocate for Terrence Higgins Trust and now you’re running a half marathon. What motivated you to be such a strong supporter?

Jake: You’re just an amazing charity to support and finding about how much work you guys do for the LGBTQ+ community is so important and inspiring. I want to be there every step of the way even if it’s just a half marathon.

Bobski: I always wanted to be involved in something amazing and being able to represent and raise money for Terrence Higgins Trust was a no-brainer for me.

How have you been preparing for the half-marathon?

Jake: I’ve been running up hills, beaches and mountains so who knows how it’s going to turn out. I thought I’ve been training for a 15K, so god help me!

Bobski: I’ve been running and training tennis so hopefully my fitness will be good enough for the half!

What’s your favourite song to run to?

Jake: Give It All by Mathew V.

Bobski: I really love all music. I kind of get lost in it while I’m running – but definitely a bit of techno! Tell Me Something Good by Ewan McVicar always does well.

Are there any lessons or experiences from your time in the I Kissed a Boy masseria that you’ll be taking into the run?

Jake: The experience showed me nothing is impossible and you just got to live your life to the fullest with no regrets because you only live once.

Bobski: Definitely staying true to myself as you can only do as well as you can. Being able to stay strong and positive.

You weren’t partnered together on the show, but now you’re both raising money for us and running the Cardiff Half. Should we be reading anything into that, haha?

Jake: Who knows – wait and find out if there’s a season two of I Kissed A Boy!

Bobski: Well there’s plenty of behind-the-scenes footage yet to be seen so you never know…

What thought is going to keep you going as you run those 21km?

Bobski: I’ll be thinking of the finish line not going to lie! And a can of full-fat Coke.

How will you celebrate when you’re done?

Jake: Hopefully do a happy dance! If I can walk.

Bobski: Probably want to grab a Nando’s and celebrate with my friends! If I make it that is!

See all of our upcoming challenge events

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