Positive Voices

Hear directly from people living with HIV by booking a Positive Voices session.

Our team of trained volunteers share their lived experience of HIV to help educate and end stigma. These sessions are free for educational organisations.

HIV can affect anyone, and in Wales, there is a 10% increase every year in people living with HIV.  Knowledge of HIV is often based on the AIDS crisis in the 1980s and 1990s rather than the realities of living with HIV in the 21st century, and outdated information can mean people living with HIV can face prejudice and discrimination. 

Positive Voices speakers provide informative talks and education sessions to education, corporate, public sector and other audiences about their personal experiences of living with HIV.  They cover HIV prevention and safer sex messages and share their own experiences of living with HIV, and can deliver talks in person, online or using a hybrid model.

Book a Positive Voices Speaker for your organisation

To request a Positive Voices speaker, complete the booking form at the bottom of this page. You can also contact the team via [email protected] for a no commitment chat.For educational organisations, community groups, charities and healthcare providers there is currently no charge for talks.  For corporate workplaces, please see Positive Voices for workplaces for details on our fees.

Volunteer with Positive Voices

If you’re living with HIV, sharing your story as a Positive Voices speaker can make a real difference.  Your story can help dispel myths and challenge stigma and educate others to understand HIV better.

Our speakers receive public speaking training and ongoing emotional support, and joining Positive Voices has helped them to build confidence and gain new skills.  You can deliver talks online or in person at times that suit you, and we cover expenses and can cover costs associated with care if required.

You can hear more about what it’s like to volunteer with positive voices by reading Florence’s story.

If you’re interested in becoming a Positive Voices volunteer, you can apply here, or for an informal chat about the role, you can contact Jen Illman via [email protected].

Request a Positive Voices speaker

Speak to someone

We’re open:

10am to 6pm, Monday to Friday
Our phone number is 0808 802 1221.

This is free to call from all UK landlines and most major mobile networks. It won’t appear on your telephone bill.

Live chat

We’re trialling a new live chat service to offer you support without the need to make a phone call.

The chat is open Monday to Friday at the following times:

  • 11am to 1pm
  • 3pm to 5pm

Live chat is anonymous and confidential. We’re offering it alongside our phone helpline, initially at the times given above.

At the end of your chat session, you’ll be directed to an online survey about your experience. Please take a few minutes to fill this in as it helps us to understand how live chat is working. We’ll use this feedback to develop the service further.